Women’s Empowerment: Yale Arab Conference

April 21, 2018 - 10:15am to 11:45am
"Beyond the Stereotyped Arab Woman" with Mona El-Naggar
Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona, room 114 See map
1 Prospect St.

Please register here

April 21, 2018 - 3:45pm to 5:15pm
"America's Role in Middle East" with Nancy Youssef
Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona, room 114 See map
1 Prospect St.

Please register here


Nancy Youssef

Nancy A. Youssef is an Egyptian-American journalist currently working as a national security correspondent for Wall Street Journal. She was previously a national security correspondent for BuzzFeed News, The Daily Beast and McClatchy Newspapers. Youssef began her career in journalism at the Baltimore Sun. She then moved on to work for the Detroit Free Press, where she covered legal issues. In August 2005, Youssef joined the Washington Bureau at McClatchy. She spent four years covering the Iraq war and served as chief of the Baghdad bureau. Her work focused on the Iraqi citizens, centering on how the U.S. military strategy was influencing the social and political dynamic. After that, she served as McClatchy’s chief Pentagon correspondent, continuing her coverage of both the conflict in Iraq and in Afghanistan, traveling overseas to report on the latest developments. Youssef also served as president of the Pentagon Press Association. As Middle East bureau chief for McClatchy, Youssef covered the events of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.

Mona El-Naggar

Ms. Mona El-Naggar, a current video journalist in the New York Times, Prior to her position in New York City, Ms. El-Naggar worked in The Times’s bureau in Cairo. In addition, she served as an assistant producer in the BBC Arabic Radio Service. Ms. El-Naggar is the producer of “Istislam”, a documentary that examines the interplay between politics, identity and religion during the rise of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood in post-Revolution Egypt. Ms. El-Naggar targeted both the appeal of the Brotherhood to Muslim Youth and its factors as well as the Brotherhood’s attitude towards women.