Free and open to the public, the 2019 DeVane Lectures with Professor Ian Shapiro met from 11:35 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the lecture hall of Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall (SSS 114, 1 Prospect St.), beginning on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019. The course syllabus here includes a full class outline with lecture dates, required readings, and more. Download a PDF of the course syllabus.
Lecture videos and slides
- Stream video recordings of each lecture on the Open Yale Courses YouTube channel here.
- PowerPoint files containing course lecture slides, complete with embedded video and other media, are available to download via Box.
Please note: Most of the PowerPoint files via Box are very large and it may take some time for a Preview to appear and with especially large files, a Preview may not appear at all. If necessary, click the Download button to download the file first, then open.
If a video in a PowerPoint does not auto-play, hover over the video image until the Pause/Play triangle appears at the bottom and then press play. Also, it is possible some linked videos within a PowerPoint file are no longer available for viewing and you will see a notification to that effect. However, the video can still be seen by watching actual lecture video on YouTube.
Also, some viewers have encountered security issues when downloading the PowerPoint files. One viewer suggests a solution as quoted below.
I was able to resolve the Microsoft PowerPoint Application Error (0xc0000022). In order to view Professor Shapiro’s 2019 ‘Power and Politics’ lecture slides in Microsoft PowerPoint on [a desktop] computer (Microsoft Windows 10/Microsoft Office Professional), you must right click on the PowerPoint file and select Properties. At the bottom of the General tab is a Security button (this file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer). Once I selected/clicked on the Unblock security box, the PowerPoint presentations open correctly and I was able to view all of the slides. It is also wise to scan any files downloaded on your computer with your anti-virus software before clicking the Unblock security box.
Office hours videos
In addition, five times during the semester, Shapiro and a teaching fellow recorded “virtual office hours,” in which they answered recurring and/or interesting questions raised by students.
About ‘Power and Politics’
How did we get from the huge euphoria that followed the fall of communism in the early 1990s to our present politics of fear and resentment, and what are the prospects going forward? Sterling Professor of Political Science Ian Shapiro answered these questions for Yale students and the general public in his fall 2019 course “Power and Politics in Today’s World,” one of the latest in Yale’s DeVane Lecture series.
The DeVane Lecture series is a free program that invites members of the New Haven and Yale communities to attend a semester-long class alongside Yale students, who can take the course for credit.
Shapiro has written widely and influentially on democracy, justice, and the methods of social inquiry. A native of South Africa, he received his J.D. from the Yale Law School and his Ph.D from the Yale Political Science Department where he has taught since 1984 and served as chair from 1999 to 2004. Shapiro also served as Henry R. Luce Director of the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies from 2004-2019. His most recent books are “The Real World of Democratic Theory” (Princeton University Press, 2012); “Politics Against Domination” (Harvard University Press, 2016); and, with Frances Rosenbluth, “Responsible Parties: Saving Democracy from Itself” (Yale University Press, 2018).