Richard Formica M.D.

  • Professor of Medicine (Nephrology)
  • Professor of Surgery (Transplant)
  • Director of Transplant Medicine
  • Director Outpatient Transplantation Service
  • Medical Director Adult and Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
  • Medical Director Pancreas Transplantation

Kidney disease, renal transplant and kidney donation, acute renal failure, chronic renal insufficiency, renal bone disease, autoimmune diseases of the kidney, renal biopsy, diabetes types 1 and 2, children’s health


I am the medical director of adult and pediatric kidney transplantation and the medical director of adult pancreas transplantation. I consider myself an expert in all areas surrounding these two types of organ transplantation. Included in this is an expertise in the medical, ethical and legal aspects of living donor kidney transplantation. Organ transplantation excites me because of the patients. Through organ transplantation we are able to restore their vitality and health. Most resume the lives they had before organ failure.

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