Barry Nalebuff D. Phil.

Milton Steinbach Professor of Management


Strategy, innovation, negotiation, entrepreneurship


I am an expert on game theory and has written extensively on its application to business strategy. My forthcoming book, Mission in a Bottle, tells the story of Honest Tea in comic book format. In addition to my academic work, I have extensive experience consulting with multinational firms, from American Express, GE, and McKinsey to Google and Rio Tinto. I advised the NBA in their negotiations with the National Basketball Players Association and serves on the board of Nationwide Insurance. In 1998, together with one of my former students, Seth Goldman, I cofounded Honest Tea, a company that sells ready-to-drink iced tea that truly tastes like tea. It is one of Inc. Magazine’s fastest growing companies and has recently sold its billionth bottle. In 2011, Coca-Cola purchased the company.
