Co-sponsored by Sage Magazine and F&ES Class of 1980 Fund
Antonia Juhasz
Antonia Juhasz is an independent investigative journalist focused on oil. Her Harper’s Magazine article, “30 Million Gallons Under the Sea” was included in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2016 edition. Pacific Standard Magazine listed her reporting from Standing Rock on the Dakota Access Pipeline on both its lists of the best environmental and best social justice reporting of 2016. Antonia’s Advocate Magazine cover article, “What’s Wrong With Exxon?” was nominated for a 2013 GLAAD Outstanding Magazine Article Media Award. She was the recipient of the 2012-2013 Investigative Journalism Fellowship at the Investigative Reporting Program at the U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. She has also traveled to Afghanistan and Tajikistan, reporting for The Atlantic and Harper’s Magazine on the role of oil and natural gas in the war. Antonia is the author of three books: The Bush Agenda, The Tyranny of Oil, and Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill.