Reporter, Associated Press
February 27, 2017 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
“The past and future of Trump reporting”
Sterling Law Building, Rm 127
127 Wall St.
Donald Trump has been the subject of serious print coverage for a little over a year and a half. In that time there’s been some great journalism, some dodgy calls and plenty of head-scratching over which is which. As part of the AP team responsible for vetting candidate Trump, Jeff Horwitz talks about that coverage and the challenges of investigating the Trump administration.
About the Speaker
Jeff Horwitz is an investigative reporter in the DC bureau of the Associated Press. After a career that included daily newspapers, alt-weekly and trade pubs, he was happily writing about large bank misbehavior and regulatory failures. Then Donald Trump ran for president and that’s pretty much been the only subject matter he’s dealt with since.