
Experts are listed alphabetically.

Erdem Karatekin Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology and of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

Field & Expertise

Science & Technology

Exocytosis, membrane fusion, neurotransmitter release

Alan E. Kazdin Ph.D.

Research Professor and Sterling Professor of Psychology & Professor of Child Psychiatry (Emeritus)

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

Child and adolescent psychiatry, child and adolescent psychotherapy, parenting and child-rearing issues and problems, treatment of child aggression and antisocial behavior, childhood depression

Danya E. Keene Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Public Health (Social & Behavioral Sciences)

Field & Expertise

Social Sciences/Politics

Housing and health, health inequality, race and racism, public policy

Frank Keil Ph.D.
  • Chair of Department of Psychology
  • Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Psychology and Linguistics

Field & Expertise

Social Sciences/Politics

Cognition, cognitive development, explanation, intuitive theories

Holly Powell Kennedy Ph.D., C.N.M.

Helen Varney Professor of Midwifery

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

Midwifery, qualitative research, evidence based practice, women's health, childbirth

Sajid A. Khan M.D., F.A.C.S., F.S.S.O
  • Associate Professor of Surgery (Oncology)
  • Section Chief, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) and Mixed Tumors
  • Co-Director of Team Science, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI)

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

Cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, translational research, surgical oncology, cancer metastasis

Rohan Khera M.D.

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine); Director, Cardiovascular Data Science Lab (CarDS)

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

Cardiovascular health, wearable fitness trackers, heart attack risk, artificial intelligence

Kaveh Khoshnood Ph.D., M.P.H. Kaveh Khoshnood Ph.D., M.P.H.
  • Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases)
  • Program Director, BA-BS/MPH Program in Public Health at Yale

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

HIV/AIDS, ethics, substance use, violent conflict, forced displacement

Isaac Y. Kim M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A.

Professor and Chair, YSM Department of Urology

Field & Expertise

Health & Medicine

Urology, prostate, metastatic cancer, robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgery

Jaehong Kim Ph.D.
  • Henry P. Becton Sr. Professor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering

Field & Expertise

Science & Technology

Water treatment, disinfection, photocatalysis, energy and water, nanotechnology